The other day I spent time doing signings at Urban Knowledge Bookstores in the Baltimore area. Fun times.
I learned a lot. One, many readers are spontaneous buyers... especially women readers. I encountered many who buy books to take a chance on finding a new favorite author. And many who want to actively support black arts/artists. Very cool.
Talked with Mondell and Stephanie of the Urban Knowledge stores, and they say readers want sex, violence, twists and turns, a punched up storyline. What readers don't want, they say, are elaborate language, literary awards, slow stories. They say readers will buy books based on their (bookstore staff) recommendations. And readers want their favorites to produce new books quickly.
It was very insightful those conversations. As readers, what do you want?
What Publishers Want. Maybe Readers Too?
Thought about this when reading Tess Gerritsen's blog entry, Don't Fall Off The Trail, where she talks about the pressure many authors are feeling to write quickly, write quality, and move units. BUT... instead of the traditional one book a year, or a book written every other year, some are feeling the pressure to finish TWO books a year or more.
Yo, what is up, Mr. Smith? Thank you for coming by my blog. I have been out of commission lately....got laid up in the hospital.
I will be coming back to your blog. I am very interested in things like this, that relate to publication. I have written one novel and written and (in the process of illustrating) one childrens book. I am doing my research on publication, and any tid bit of information helps.
readership changes, for some of us out there, there are no stock approaches, textbook sanity... instead it is about discovery and then the passion...
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