No traffic to LAX. Got dropped off at curbide check in. No one in line. Breezed through security. Got an aisle seat.
No crying babies. No chatterboxes in my row or in front of me. Slept all the way across from L.A. to D.C.
Rental car and hotel all set up perfectly... and you know how we always worry about that card working. lol.
Too good to be true. Um yeah.
Just watched the local forecast. They're expecting a Nor'easter here. For you L.A. folks, that is the equivalent of a snow hurricane. I think. That's my L.A. definition of it.
Do I own boots. Gloves. A hooded coat.
Um no.
But gonna make the best of it anyway, especially as I drive from B'more to D.C. tomorrow night after my B'more work is done. That should be the height of the storm.
Gotta have something high drama like the weather to talk about on Sunday morning. Won't stop me from being a tourist though. Fun being the new face in town. ;-)
Have a good one!
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