Do you know any black males who are high school seniors who want to, or are willing to, go to college in South Carolina... for free?
There is a consortium of black colleges and non-black colleges in South Carolina looking for black male students aspiring to be teachers, and will send them to universities/college for 4 years.
Check out the information at Call Me Mister website. As I get more, I'll share with you.
This sounds great I'm going to share it with my distribution list of Black Employees around the US that work for my company.
i'll make sure to pass this along to our African American Resource Center and our AA Studies Chair. Thanks Fred!
Fred, I came across your post and wanted you to also promote my college preparation infrastructure blog. The blog is for students/parents, undergraduates, and postgraduates students. It contains millions to billions of dollars of information on current scholarships, internships, and fellowships. It also includes a 37-page document for 12th grade students preparing for college. Please share the blog with your viewers. Also many of the 2007 Internships will be expiring soon and the 2007 Summer programs will be expiring in January or February. I just posted 69 Programmers positions for Wal-Mart, details are on the blog. The blog is a national blog.
C. Herd
The blog is located at: http://www.ctherd.blogspot.com
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