Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Got out the pen and paper last night. After a week's delay, got back to writing in a real journal instead of relying solely on blogs, computers, etc... for recording my thoughts and activities. It was cool. A little weird. The last entry prior to last night was January 5, 2005. So much has changed. Old crushes are just that... old. New crush has replaced winter's woes. The unknown about the book is now known. Everything I worried about in terms of how this summer would be is no longer a worry. I think it was Marianne Williamson... or some former regular guest on Oprah... who said the only thing that's real is the current moment; everything else is not real. That's a cool little thought process to apply sometimes.

The biggest part of my return to journaling, other than crush, was jotting notes and thoughts about NYC this week. Figuring out maps. Subways. All those frigging streets. Time schedules. I ended up going to the computer for that. But otherwise, I like the old fashioned paper and pen... and may just use that process while in NYC to start work/notes on book number three. I think NYC would be a great place to start a book. Hmmm...

1 comment:

N4R said...

Fred I am so not at writer but often I check out your advice to see - what if? But I just had to respond to this post. I swear I have neglected my journal so bad. Prior to blogging that was my baby. I feel awful. I know she is mad at me. I don't write with her like I used to in the past. I honestly feel that she is just mad that I am no longer telling her my business...LOL. I commute a lot by train and I don't have a laptop so I found myself pre-writing my blog entries in my journal. That is so bad. I decided to by a separate notebook for that and not disrespect the sanctity of my journal. If that is even possible! Maybe I will give her a little something tonight since I speaking on her. Okay why am I personifying my journal? (did you like my use of that literary word - personify? LOL)

Sidebar - I loved your book and I look forward to meeting you this weekend in BK. You are going to have so much fun. I just hope you will be so incline as to take a photograph with me and sign my book. As a matter of fact I think I will buy a new one so it is crisp. Yeah I will do that. I am sure you wouldn’t mind. ;)