Do you every wonder what kinds of nicknames they make up for you?
I wish I knew. I wish I could read their minds.
Updates from Frederick Smith, former Detroiter living in Los Angeles, and author of Play It Forward (January 2015), Right Side of the Wrong Bed (December 2007), and Down For Whatever (July 2005). www.FrederickLSmith.com
Wow, I never thought of that. I have a nice name for everyone. There are these two guys who stay in apartment 420. One of them I call "Fine 420" the other I call "Cute 420" then there's this guy who drives an Avalon and I call him Avalon. I accidentally did it to his face one time...then there's a large woman who I call, well nevermind....wow, I wonder what they call me...
LOL I do this all the time I have given nicknames to half the people in my apartment complex. My mother says the samething, I wonder what nickname they have for me.
have to do it on the job so we can talk about the boss lol !!! and other folks we don't like. i know they have them for us as-well.
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