I shot some new pictures, in preparation of the new book and website updates. Yeah, I do keep a book website too.
This pic I "lifted" from Ibarionex's blog. :-) I can't wait for the proofs. Just like I couldn't wait for Christmas morning when I was a kid.
Anyway, Ibarionex Perello and his wife Cynthia are a wonderful husband and wife photography team. Ibarionex takes the pictures. Cynthia does the technical work with screens, scrims, and lights.
This time we shot everything outdoors at a park and playground near my house. Last time we did Pasadena City Hall. This time, we have a lot more color and playful shots to choose from. I was nervous and WAY too formal the first time out... as you can see from my book website shots.
Anyway, Ibarionex is a great photographer based in L.A. and he's always looking for new clients. I highly recommend him if in L.A.
I gotta turn in everything to my editor and publisher by September 1st for Right Side of the Wrong Bed -- edited manuscript, book cover "author" shot, updates for the website, and other new novel stuff.
Once I narrow my author photo shots down to two or three, I'll let you take a look and vote on the official "book jacket" photo.
That pic is very nice. I see youve been working out. Congrats again on everything.
I almost want to grope you...hmmm.
I may have to use your photographer for my next round of photos!
I'm so excited about the book...sounds juicy!
Thanks for your friendship and checking in on me!
Sunday night?...
What can I say that hasn't already been said? That pic is NICE!
Can't wait to read the new book!
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