If you haven't gotten sucked in to Big Brother yet, picture MTVs Real World meets CBSs Survivor. Houseguests are isolated in a house with no outside contact. They compete for food, nomination privileges, etc... Each week they strategize and bond to vote someone out. Well, more like scheming. Real fun watching, because WE the viewers see everything going on... the house guest don't see what's going on. But heck, the show's been around for seven years. Who HASN'T seen it?
This year is the "All Star" edition, where the best from each season had a chance to be invited back into the house. Fourteen were chosen. One I really loved, Monica, wasn't chosen. However, I'm sure there will be some twist with the folks not invited back.
Already got the season set to be recorded. Did you/do you watch? Your thoughts? I've always loved Danielle, even from the season when she betrayed Marcellas (who I love too!). She just plants comments and thoughts here and there, and watches everyone else react to them. She came on a little too quick yesterday, which might be why she got targeted for eviction so soon... Allison's a fave too.
Anyway, I know there's more real issues than reality television, but Big Brother is my total summer addiction!
My summer addition will be Project Runway on Bravo. It starts Wednesday, July 12th. This time the Designers competer for fashion week in Sept.
Kevin C
I haven't seen it.
Blame it on the undergrad degree. No time for television. :( And yes, it took me that long. Almost.
Hi! It's about time they made an All-Star edition. Dr. Will is going to give the other housemates a run for their money. I'm surprised he wasn't up for eviction though. He's the most obvious target.
I watched some of season 3, and some of season 6. I LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEDDDDDDDDDD Ivette and Beau. OH YES!!!!!!!
I won't be able to watch AWWWW. I'll try and keep up online or something.
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