Friday, August 17, 2007

Kicks. Camp. Music. Drama. Oh My!

Yay! It's Friday.

And to kick it off, how about a few high kicks, splits, and energy action from Miss Tandi Iman Dupree, via YouTube, which a friend emailed to me earlier this week.

So, High School Musical 2 kicks off today. All the tweens are excited. All those former tweens who did high school musicals are looking forward to it too.

Actually, I never saw the first one, but somehow, the magic of marketing etched it in my mind as something I might want to see. Do I really want to? Or did the marketing work? Or am I just a former tween who liked and still likes musicals? lol.

OK. True story. I did plays, skits, musicals, dance routines, and lip syncs in college. Thought I wanted to be an actor, as well as a newscaster. While I was in rehearsals for a show, Reckless, I met the lead of another show, Grease, that was also in rehearsal at the same time. Just ran into each other like "your chocolate is in my peanut butter/your peanut butter is in my chocolate" ran into each other. We really dug each other. I went to grad school in Chicago because of him. We didn't live happily ever after. Cool guy, though. That's a whole 'nother story.

Back to the blog, one band camp musical film I really enjoyed is Camp. Some of the students from the Performing Arts High School on my campus are in it. Really fun film!

Well, here's to some low-drama, low-angst action this weekend. I gotta do some writing... because this week has not been very productive in that department!

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