Summer vacation. Down time. It's so quiet, I don't even know where to begin. Had a fabulous and problem-free graduation weekend.
But I know for sure I will make good use of this summer break to get my third book manuscript edited, done, and ready for publication. That's resolution #1. Everything else is just icing on the cake... Aretha Franklin concert, Beyonce concert, the yearly pilgrimage to Detroit in August, and I may go car shopping.
In the meantime, some exciting links for you, including...
A 91-year old black romance author, who proves the point that it's never too late to start writing your book!
Book Group Buzz is one of my favorite sites for discovering new books and how to keep a book club group interesting. Good stuff here!
Yes, I Google myself. And tonight I found this gem of an interview I did during 2007 Atlanta Black Gay Pride with
The Myne Mag . Sometimes I shock myself with the somewhat smart things I say, lol.
Hope it's a good day for you. Summer is here... let's make some memories, and let's make the most of this time!It's not too late to get started on those
2009 Is Mine Resolutions we all made :-)