Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Greatest Ex (or Almost Ex) Ever

Out of sight, out of town, out of internet access, out of minutes... and everything is cool. Right?

Then you run into him. Or he comes back to town. Or he texts out of the blue. And it puts you halfway to crazy again. Just the sight triggers a whole new storyline (in your head at minimum) you hadn't expected.

So why is The Greatest Ex Ever on Janet's new CD so friggin hot to me? So is the song Discipline, too, but that's another blog entry ;-)

1 comment:

BuddahDesmond said...

I'm really loving Janet's new CD. "Discipline" and "The Greatest Ex Ever" are favorites of mine as well. I've been thinking about an ex of mine a lot lately. It's seemingly out of the blue. And I don't know exactly why. Or do I? LOL! Do I feel a new blog post coming along? Possibly. LOL!

Have a great weekend!