Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Leo Virgo Cusp


If you haven't listened to Feast of Fools podcast, you gotta listen. It's hi-LAR-i-OUS! Today's show, Osama Bin Ronnie, features Miss Ronnie from the show, and she's a riot! The whole show is a great companion for your ears and workday or commute!


So we're at one of my favorite times of the year, when so many people I know are celebrating birthdays... Keith Boykin in a few days, and my buddies Eric B. and Daryl G. and Helen D. and Intef W. and Rowena T., and yours truly. They aren't bloggers, so you can't see them today.

And for those on the Leo/Virgo cusp... and just plain Virgos, this is always a time of reflection and retrospection. Here are a few books that might help provide some perspective on birthdays and relationships... if you're into horoscope type books.

The Secret Language of Relationships by Gary Goldschneider

The Secret Language of Birthdays by Gary Goldschneider

Black Sun Signs: African American Guide to the Zodiac by Theresa Balfour

Sexy Black Sun Signs: African Americans, Relationships, and the Zodiac by Theresa Balfour

I don't know if you believe what "they" say about your zodiac sign, but I tend to fall within many of the characteristics attributed to Virgos. What about you?


Alana Albertson said...

oh we are so alike. I actually studied astrology at Harvard with this amazing symbolist. anyhoo - i have all your books but you are missing out - you need linda goodman love signs and relationship signs. she is dead on. send me your birth stuff and I will do a chart for you.
Alana the Aries, virgo moon, libra rising

Anonymous said...

My birthday is Wednesday--when is yours?

Marz said...

I'm on the cusp.


I'm not big on the whole zidiac thing, some people are always like, "OH you're a leo I won't screw you over. You don't take well to being screwed over". And I'm like WHO IS. (But whatever lOL)

Happy birthday!!!!


Frederick Smith said...

Thanks everyone for the birthday greetings!