It's fun coming home, even if it's just for a few days. Love being spoiled by sleeping in, having non-stop food, and lounging on the back porch. And the weather in Detroit isn't that bad. Mid 70s, cool breeze, partly sunny. I should be a meteorologist, huh.
I'm taking part of this time putting the finishing touches on the edits for the next novel, Right Side of the Wrong Bed. My editor, John, gave me a few extra weeks because he's been overwhelmed with extra books he's had to take on. I don't mind the delay. It might push me back to an August or September 2007 release date, versus a June or July 2007 release, which is kinda okay. Not like I have a choice in the matter. But... I'm making mad progress on book three, and at the rate I'm writing (and hope to continue), there might be something ready for a Summer 2008 release. We'll see.
There's a lot I miss about home. I think a lot about summers with my family growing up. Going downtown to Belle Isle. Drinking Vernors pop. Not too many high school friends here anymore... they're all over the country now. But I don't really need them right now.
Just enjoying some down time with the people who always make me feel at home.