Toni Morrison is one of those writers whose books I will purchase no matter what. I don't need to read the back, or reviews, or the hype. I know I'll get a good read. There are a few other authors I feel that way about.
But, in case you're an audio/visual learner, here are a few links of Toni Morrison talking about her latest novel. I hope you find them interesting.
Toni Morrison on Charlie Rose tv show. 30 minutes.
Toni Morrison reads excerpts of A Mercy on NPR. 4-parts, 1 hour total.
Toni Morrison on Oprah.com interview. About 5 minutes.
Toni Morrison interview on the BBC. About 20 minutes, but interesting to hear questions from the British perspective considering that country's role in perpetuating the African slave trade.
I hope to get her book soon as well. This is a definitely going to be different from her other books.
I love Toni Morrison. I purchased the book a few days and cannot wait to begin reading it. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
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