Each November, thousands of would-be novelists try their hands at completing a 50,000 word draft of a novel in 30 days. The website provides plenty of supportive tips and resources for working toward the goal. Another site, Paperback Writer, offers tips for succeeding at NaNoWriMo.
The idea is geared toward quantity -- that is, pushing those who sit with the idea of writing to do so. The quality comes later, as the first draft turns into a revised second and third draft. For NaNoWriMo, 50,000 words is a good beginning (about 175 pages). Most fiction manuscripts aim for minimally 65-70,000 thousand words.
If you're up to the challenge, give it a try. 50,000 words over 30 days comes to about 1,600 words daily... or about 6 pages daily. And with the economy the way it is lately, and many of us saving money by staying IN, might as well stay IN with the notepad and/or keyboard for the month of November and create something that could pay off in the long run.
it is that time again isn't it?
hope all is well! miss u much..
glad i found this blog. i'm going to give it a try!
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