Friday, March 21, 2008

Writing Excuses... For Your Ear

First, every Friday is a good Friday, but how will you make this one such?

So anyway, I could come up with a million writing excuses for why... I procrastinate, I stare at a blank screen, I (you fill in the blank) when it comes to writing. I'm sure you've got your own.

But some more flava for your ear. The podcast Writing Excuses. Subscribe via iTunes or just listen from the website. Each podcast episode is a focused show on a specific writing topic. I've listened to the show on brainstorming, one on beginnings, and another on editing down your good stuff.

What I like most about this podcast is that each episode is around 15 minutes. So it's quick, informative, and the right amount of procrastination time you need before getting back to the writing.

Have a great one!

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