Teena Marie is one of those musicians who brings back lots of childhood and teeny-bopper years and memories -- summers with cousins, ice cream trucks, trying to figure out what Fire and Desire is all about. Hmmmm....
Anyway. Now I'm an adult. And Teena Marie is still around. That's kinda cool.
Just picked up Sapphire, her latest. Haven't listened yet -- will do so on a quick weekend flight to Vegas. But I'm sure it's a gem like the other projects she's done. You gotta let me know what you think.
It's cool when musicians can keep their careers going, in the midst of the obsession with young singers who rely on computers and synthesizers to make them sound... uh, good.
Wish more continued... or had the opportunity to continue. Imagine if Gladys, Aretha, Diana, Patti, etc... topped the charts like the kids do today. Imagine if people sang about love, and not just getting paid... or cheating. Who would you like to see ruling the charts again?
(Since writing this post, I've listened to this CD a billion times. LOVE IT!)
Thank you so much Fred! I am a Teena Marie nutcase. I have ALL her stuff. I was wondering when it was going to drop.
You have just made my FRIDAY!!
Kevin C
yes i love Teena - im supposed to be interviewing her shortly. im glad she is still making efforts to stay around.
Yay... so glad to hear you all are still into Miss Teena Marie. I listened this weekend. I love it. Her ballads are always pretty hot... Two thumbs up on Sapphire!
teena marie has the hottest album out at this time. She has the best vocals right now. Keep it coming and play more on the r&b stations. This is the type of music thats hot now.
The new album sapphire has several songs (AFB) which are fantastic. I wish the radio stations would play more of her songs on the new & old albums. Teena's voice is a 5-star and of course, her daughter's voice is nice and soothing to the ear.
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