Got to Chicago yesterday evening, where it it like 300 degrees. Swear. We get hot weather in L.A., however, we don't get muggy weather. Muggy -- the word midwesterners use for lots of humidity. I'm sweating like Whitney 24/7.
Hung out on the South Side with three of my friends from grad school. Had some margaritas with dinner. Had some Mario's Italian ice. Then decided to head up north to see the new attractions along Michigan Avenue... that Millennium Park is nice (that's where the image on the left is from... the water/play fountains that are like interactive art! Whoever is doing the city planning for Chicago... you deserve an A+++++. Why can't my hometown, Detroit, follow your lead Chicago? Anyway...
The highlight was stopping at my alma mater, Loyola. The Lakeshore Campus in Rogers Park. So much has changed, as it's supposed to. Those changes add value to your degree. But one thing that hasn't changed... Bruno's, the small watering hole dive we used to go for beers after class (or a dramatic staff meeting). Bruno's hasn't changed a bit. You can still get a beer for a buck fifty and the undergrads are still trying to sneak in.
I think if I ever moved from L.A., it would be back to Chicago. Something to do all year long. Four seasons. Nice, new condos and houses sprouting up all over... even the South Side, where I hadn't spent much time until this weekend. My friends stay in Hyde Park/University of Chicago area. And that Lakefront is just to die for. I used to bike it twice a week when I lived at Loyola's Lakeshore Campus and had classes in the downtown Water Tower campus.
Tonight I check into my hotel downtown. Will get cracking on some writing. Oh, it is Memorial Day weekend. I'm sure there's something happening in Boystown on Halsted, hmmm.... Sunday night, no work tomorrow until my first conference meetings. OK, let me take my nap now!
Look at you, sweating like Whitney. Aw, I remember when Whitney was untouchable, when she would always love me. But in her defense, she wasn't the only one that when down since that time period.
It sounds like an awesome place to live.
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