Schooled, by Anishka Lakhani, features a teacher as the main character who takes on extra work as a tutor/paper writer/novel reader/ etc... for rich, prep students in New York City.
I quickly read through the first couple chapters while waiting for the movie and will be adding this to my "to-finish-reading" pile of books. That pile continues to grow and grow, but I'm looking forward to this one.
If you know a teacher who's dealt with highly snooty, privileged students and clueless parents, you'll enjoy the humor, sarcasm, and wit in the novel.
Now that you've been schooled for the day, time to get back to work. :-)
By the way, loved Good Hair. It was especially interesting hearing/seeing the reactions of non-black folks who, for many, this was the first time they'd heard/thought of the importance of the hair subject in the black community.