Talk about word-of-mouth being the ultimate publicity, I never would have known about this novel if one of the readers of this blog hadn't alerted me to it. Thanks Anthony. This one sounds like a winner for sure.
Perfect Peace is the third novel by author
Daniel Black.
Set in the rural U.S. south, the novel follows Emma Jean Peace's decision to raise her seventh son, Perfect, as the daughter she always wanted, but never gave birth to. When Perfect is eight, someone discovers the gender secret, and it sets off a series of events that leads to multiple questions of identity, gender, biology, and religion. Imagine all that, again, in the South, perceived not to be as open as other areas of the U.S.
I'm always excited to learn about authors deep into their literary careers. It means I get to read their previous books before getting to their current release. In the case of Daniel Black, he's had two other novels published --
They Tell Me of a Home and
The Sacred Place -- and both sound like great reads.
Thanks Anthony for the heads up! Enjoy!