So let's just call it GAM-DAF syndrome for short.
You know, those friend (or you, lol) who as soon as they meet/get a man, they stop doing their regular routines, stop hanging with friends, etc... and spend 100% of the day devoted to the new man. Fawning. Drooling. And no, we're not jealous. Just concerned.
A couple weeks ago Aunt Jemima's Revenge wrote about GAMDAF. I immediately thought of one of my buddies.
Lo and behold, this past Saturday that same good buddies met someone and now they're in love. What's today, Thursday? Like four days. And he's not already making plans for the man's birthday (while asking my birthdate in the same conversation about the new beau -- we've known each other 10 years) or Valentine's Day 2009? Telling me everything that's so awesome and special about this man.
Again, not jealous. Just concerned.
Maybe because I've seen this one particular friend have the hardest breakups, as in he can't get over seeing exes happy, he constantly dogs out exes and his choice to be with them, and the things he finds cute in the beginning he hates at the end, etc... The whole "fall hard, break up hard" thing.
Also, maybe because I'm such an independent person. While I like to date and meet new people, I don't change my life or routine, or get giddily-ga-ga. I'm even up front about how my professional life and routines are very important, and that I like people who are equally busy and don't need 24/7 attention... because I don't need 24/7 attention to know I'm liked/loved. Hmmm, maybe that's the key to my perpetual single-hood? Anyway...
Whether you call it GAM-DAF or Hopelessly Devoted To You syndrome, it's a little annoying... and I hope you (or I) never become that friend who ditches their friends for a new man.