Yeah, there ARE bigger issues in the world that I'm in touch with. But I have a pop culture side, too.
Anyway, American Idol. Totally feeling Chris...'s singing. Totally feeling Paris' singing, too, but she's just not getting the verbal (or voter) love from judges and viewers. I can't put my finger on it why she's not really connecting. Either way, I'm hoping for a Chris and Paris showdown at the end. They're the best singers in this year's competition. Period. As for winner, I'm thinking Chris. That mmmph factor, heartthrob vibe that no other male winner or top 2 has ever had, and love from the judges... he'll definitely sell some units, concerts, and have boy and girl fans. You predict???
NBA. Totally feeling the Detroit Pistons. Always have... during their winning and not-so-winning seasons. Looks like they're on their way to an easy-breezy-beautiful NBA championship. Of course, there's still love for many of the other teams and players out there. I love basketball. Can't play a lick, but love to watch. Oh yeah, most definitely.
Yeah, there's gas prices, Iraq, tornadoes, and corrupt politicians to think about. But knowing that you're already in the loop on those things, and that you're not distracted by bigger issues, what pop culture things are you musing?
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