I don't know about you, but this week has gone sooooo S-L-O-W. I'm so looking forward to the weekend. I'll be travelling again to the Midwest. But a couple of fun things to look forward to this weekend. What are your plans?
1. Akeelah and The Bee. Why am I so friggin excited about this movie? Maybe it's the childhood teacher's pet flashbacks. Maybe it's being called nerd because I cared more about books than kickball. Maybe it's because I did spelling bees in elementary school -- 1st runner up, never the winner, darnit!
But as with all films of substance, especially those that are not your mainstream black-focused movies -- i.e. guns, cussing, gut-wrenching poverty, and hookers or pimps as everyday black life -- it's important to support during the first weekend. So go support Akeelah and The Bee this weekend. Show Hollywood that YOU know there's more to the community than the stereotypes generally presented in film.
2. Feast of Fools. I discovered this podcast a few weeks ago, and now I'm so totally addicted. iPodless? Then listen to them online at the Feast of Fools website. It's fun. It's gay. It's gossipy. It's a party for your ears. And a FREE weekend party if you're a little short on cash. And I'm loving me some Miss Ronnie, one of the co-stars of the show. Yes, you've got some fans Miss R!
3. L.A. Times Festival of Books. OK. Back to the books yet again. But this festival brings thousands of book lovers together with their addiction of choice -- reading. Better than addictions that can kill you, you know? Anyway, if in L.A. this weekend, the UCLA campus will be the place to be... well, if you love books that is.
Anyhoo, I'll be on a plane to the midwest. Fun. Joy. Happiness. It's the weekend. Currently reading Ten Little Indians, a short story collection, by Sherman Alexie.
What are your plans?